
Very nice read…

Writing a Fiction Book- Come Along for My Journey

She sat in the closet, feeling ants march along her skin. She was so hungry but knew if she cried, it would only make it worse. In the past when she cried, he would hit her from her chest down to her stomach. As her stomach growled, she thought about how long she had been there. To a six year old, it seemed like forever. In reality, she had been there since six p.m. the night before.  Wishing she didn’t have to stay there, she heard the voice of her mother, her real mother, and longed for her.

“Felicity!” she would say. “Aren’t you hungry? Do you want me to eat your food? Maybe I should give it to Bird Bird? Or maybe Mickey Mouse? Do you want them to have your food?”

“No, mommy! I want my food!”

“Then you should be a good girl and eat it. Not…

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